High Level Cleaning & Compliments on our Ringing

The snowdrops are in full bloom and the garden beckons. I can’t wait to get out there but it has been so wet, everything is saturated. I can still do some useful jobs inside and one which needed doing was the high level cleaning in the ringing room at church.

I took the folding ladder and fitted Henry with his extra long pipe. David footed the ladder and held Henry while I ventured to the heights with vacuum nozzel in hand. There were quite a lot of cobwebs up there and fluff from the bell ropes had accumulated around the rope bosses. We also cleaned the light shades which thankfully just clipped off and on again.

This was last done in 2015 so it was probably a little overdue but were looking good bow!

We had a full house last Thursday and it was lovely to see everyone. The practice started at 7.00pm for Sheila and me to teach Josh handbells. We’re working through a plain course of Plain Bob Minor.

People began to arrive before 7.30 and through the evening Sheila G kept us busy with call changes, Plain Hunt, Grandsire and Plain Bob Minor. It was a good evening and afterwards David received two independant comments from prople saying how much they enjoyed hearing the bells. That’s really encouraging and we hope to continue to make a sound over the village.

On Sunday lots were away and we only rang the back five bells. Nevertheless, our ringing was very good and enjoyable. We had a young audience watching from the nave of the church as they waited to come up and use the room for Sunday School. Of course, we had to ring the bells down first!

Published by Phillip George

Photographer, campanologist, gardener, walker, artist, thinker, doer.

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